Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Jack's Pappy (Travis' Dad) signed him up for little league baseball for Christmas!! Great Gift!! Thanks Pappy!! We have had a great time watching Jack and his team, "THE COLORADO ROCKIES" (I know crazy!). Beau & Maizie love going to his games & practices too. They seem to be able to make friends wherever they go! Here they are with their baseball buddy.
This isn't the best picture but you can see his little cute self at bat. He isn't very consistent yet with batting but he is definitely improving. Here we are at the little league's Opening Day Parade. All the teams that are in the league gather to be presented to the whole league & their families.
Here's our team and one of our coaches!
There our team goes around the baseball diamond for the parade! Jack's number 28. Stinkin' cute!!!!