Friday, March 27, 2009

Kindergarten Jog-A-Thon!

To say Jack loves to run would be quite an understatement. So when he found out that every elementary in Long Beach does a "Jog-A-Thon" to raise money every year, he was quite ecstatic. Even Beau got in on the action.
Jack ran his fastest pace for almost the entire run which was 25 minutes and only walked when the teachers made him. It was about 75 degrees out there today and so he kept his bottle of water with him. We definitely need to hone in on this running thing. Maybe he should join a running club for kids?? I'm not sure where he gets this running bug since Travis & I would both rather die than run. Go Jack Go!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

AWANA Boat Race & Happy Birthday Pico!

This is definitely a first for us! Back at our old church in Colorado the kids did a Pine Derby Race and made cars to race. This year at their new AWANA group they do a boat race. It's very fun and the boys had fun helping daddy with their boats.
This green one above is Jack's and we definitely know how next year to improve our design :) Beau picked black for his boat. For these races the kids are supposed to blow on their sails all the way down a rain gutter and the fastest boat obviously wins. Beau won both of his races! Yey Beau!! Jack is winning this race! He only won one race out of three but didn't even have any attitude about it, which is something that is super hard for him as he's very competitive.
HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY PICO!! His birthday was on Sunday and we loved on him extra special! The kids helped him pick out his new toy and treats at Petsmart. Maizie & Pico are very much BFF's. She said that if Pico were gone she would be very sad. They are always cuddling and playing with each other. Hopefully Pico will be with us for many many more years!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Hey everyone! For you fellow book lovers I found an awesome website where you can actually swap the books that you've already read with other members on the site. It is totally free. You just pay for your shipping when you send a book which is usually under $3 because they mail media rate. Then you request books and receive them for free. It's very cool. If you're a book collector like me and your bookshelf is getting filled up it's the perfect way to unload some books that others might like and score some that you've really wanted to read! Thought I'd pass it on!! - Our online book club offers free books when you swap, trade, or exchange your used books with other book club members for free.
Here's the link for those of you interested!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jack is officially front toothless!

We were wrestling on the couch and I accidentally bonked him in the mouth. The tooth that was dangling there just popped right out, it was awesome!! So now he talks all cute and can officially say that his mom knocked his tooth out. He also thought the surfer do wasn't working out so he agreed to get a hair cut. He's so handsome!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I took a big leap of faith. Now it may not seem huge or even medium size but in my heart it is big. I'll start at the way beginning. I started a tomato plant from a seed. It was quite unintentional really. At a street fair 3 or 4 months ago they were handing out sticks with tomato seeds attached to them that you could just stick in the ground. I stuck it in a bag and never really thought much of it but about 6 weeks ago I discovered it again. I decided to plant it in a container just to see what would happen. I've never known anyone that could start a tomato plant from a seed. Sure enough it started growing. I think that I was kind of sad that it was actually growing because I didn't know if we would even be here to take care of it. I thought that our life here in CA is so temporary and vulnerable to everything. I couldn't invest any kind of love into this great little tomato plant knowing that next month I may have to turn my back on it. But I realized that I've had that same attitude about everything here so far. I haven't intentionally made friends or gotten involved in church or anything because I wouldn't want to tear myself away if CA didn't work out. God put us here and we need to take it in fully and totally dive in. How can I be open to all that is great here if I can't even plant a tomato plant in the ground! There are friends to be made! There are beautiful places to see! There are causes that are worth getting involved in! So, I planted that tomato plant in the ground and who knows what will happen, but I am getting rooted baby!!