That sounds like a country song!! Yes, folks it is hard to be poor in CA. There are so many things to do and so many awesome places to go but if you're like us and strapped for cash then CA is full of, "We should do that someday!" The kids however could go to the beach on the coldest day of the year and be completely satisfied and unaware that we are poor. Yes, to be a kid again... Learning to be content and trust God is a difficult thing but we're getting there! If anything else we are doing stuff on a Friday night that I thought we would never do. We're getting more creative and spending more time together. I'm sure we'll look back on this time with fondness, right? right???
right. you will, it will all go by too fast, and you will look back and wish you would have enjoyed it more. your family is beautiful enjoy every moment, even though some times in the midst of the struggle you have to intentionally enjoy it because otherwise you will just focus on the struggle and not the gift. love ya.
so true! we felt like that in CC too...not as cool as where you are...but the same kinda thing! Our best family times where there, though, and with no money! We went to the beach, played basketball, rollerbladed, visited the special attractions of the area, went to famers markets, saw fresh shrimp straight off the many good times there! its what you make of it...and our own ideas of what things should be like often mess us up and discourage us. Take each day for what it is, a gift, a time to spend with your family, away from the interuptions and busyness of extended family life. Your time is Your time. Enjoy it! It'll be gone way too soon...and you'll miss it. Money doesn't buy happiness, as they say! Boy were They smart! ;) Love ya!
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