Back to school! Yey! On Sept. 8th the boys started back to school. Jack is in 2nd grade and Beau is in 1st. Here they are in their uniforms getting ready to do the walk to school!
The first walk to school of the new year!
Beau is standing in his line where he'll be every morning before school. He is so excited!
Jack is standing on his line waiting for the bell but he is too cool to smile for a picture.
Ok, Maizie dear started 2 day/wk preschool on Sept. 2nd. This is the happy picture that Dad took on his phone before we were all the way ready for school. See how happy!!
Then, I asked her to get her jacket because it was foggy and colder that day. See what happened? (Hopefully they can fix that in Pre-K) :) Her lovely pink outfit, shoes included were sent to her by my Mom and Maizie is in love with it.